Ideas & Todo's
From OMAPpedia
[edit] What's this page?
This page is intended to be a good place to capture project ideas and todo's for OMAP community. Ideas could in theory be implementable on one of the following HW platforms : OMAP3 (OMAP34xx/OMAP36xx), OMAP4 (OMAP44xx), Zoom-II MDP,Zoom MDK. Other OMAP3/OMAP4 processor based platfroms are also welcome.
NOTE: For Beagleboard ideas we suggest you capture them at the already existing Beagleboard Ideas page so that there is less duplication.
Some example idea categories could be:
- New application/middleware/device driver development
- New features in existing software project
- Porting existing SW (either from desktop, embedded or Mobile) onto on OMAP powered platform
- Hardware projects with the development platforms
- If there is a already exiting idea/todo list for a project - add your idea on 'that page' and just add a link to that page here.
- If your ideas is more than a few lines - feel free to create a new page and link it here.
- If you a working on implementing any of these ideas - please mark your name against it, add a link to your on going work beside the item, we would recommend you also give an 'approximate' finish dates.
[edit] Base software, Operating systems & Hardware Adaptation
[edit] Bootloader
- OMAP3 U-boot ToDo List
- U-boot Upstreaming Ideas List
[edit] Android
[edit] Linux (Kernel, Driver, Angstrom, Poky, Maemo etc)
- Linux-OMAP kernel ideas under consideration
- OMAP Power Management Todo & Future work
- wl12xx wireless solution Todo & Future work
[edit] Symbian
[edit] Internet & Browsing
[edit] Graphics & User Interfaces
[edit] Multimedia & Multimedia Applications
- Video Chat/Telephony Application for Android (utilizing HW accelerated codecs) on OMAP Zoom platform.
[edit] Utilities,Tools & Debugging
- public pure opensource flashing solution with 0 dependency on fastboot protocol version, properitory binaries etc.. "./" and I should have my fav OS flashed completely and booting off NAND.