Panda5AJ.1.4 Release Notes

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[edit] Introduction

This software release has been developed and verified in the following software and hardware environment.

OS Kernel: Linux® 3.4
Android: Android JellyBean 4.1.2
Toolchain: Andriod linux-x86 toolchain arm-eabi-4.4.3
Reference hardware platforms: TI OMAP5 5432 uEVM ES2.0 (Panda5)
Build Host OS: Ubuntu
Daily Build OMAP5 uEVM Version: OMAP5_JB_panda5_mr0 build 72

NOTE: This release is not backward compatible with OMAP5432 ES1.0 silicon

uEVMs built with ES1.0 Silicon are labeled UEVM5432x-00-yy-zz
uEVMs built with ES2.0 Silicon are labeled UEVM5432x-02-yy-zz

[edit] Build PC setup

You would need a 64bit machine for building Android file system. You must have sudo permissions on the PC for installing packages

The following commands will install the correct packages to your PC:

Ubuntu 10.04

sudo apt-get install git-core flex bison gperf libesd0-dev zip libwxgtk2.6-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential tofrodos x-dev 
sudo apt-get install lib32readline5-dev libstdc++6 lib32z1 lib32z1-dev ia32-libs g++-multilib libx11-dev libncurses5-dev 

Ubuntu 12.04

sudo apt-get install git-core flex bison gperf libesd0-dev zip libwxgtk2.8-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential tofrodos 
sudo apt-get install lib32readline6-dev libstdc++6 lib32z1 lib32z1-dev ia32-libs g++-multilib libx11-dev libncurses5-dev
mkdir ~/bin -p
sudo apt-get install curl
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

If you do not have sudo rights to your machine, contact your System Administrator for assistance.

The Kernel and Driver sources are built using the Android linux-x86 toolchain for ARM GNU/Linux version. This tool chain can be obtained when you pull the Android code based on the released manifest that will be given.

If you are behind proxy/firewall, workaround it using the instructions in [1]

[edit] Downloading Release Software

[edit] Android Filesystem Sources

Note: You should export environment variable "https_proxy", since Android repo initialization downloads repo tree from Google server over https connection.

export https_proxy=

You can get the Android source for this release by doing:

mkdir -p 5AJ.1.4
cd 5AJ.1.4
export YOUR_PATH=`pwd`
mkdir -p mydroid; cd mydroid
export MYDROID=`pwd`
repo init -u git:// -b 5AJ.x -m RLS_panda5AJ.1.4.xml
repo sync

Download additional post release patches to get ducati binary be copied as part of Android file system build

cd $MYDROID/device/ti/proprietary-open
git fetch refs/changes/02/32102/1 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
git fetch refs/changes/03/32103/1 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

cd $MYDROID/device/ti/panda5
git fetch refs/changes/04/32104/1 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

[edit] UsbBoot Sources

git clone git:// usbboot
cd usbboot
git checkout 0a929aa1d947da06a2277135eceab58664973300

[edit] Kernel & Driver Sources

To clone kernel source from scratch do:

mkdir kernel
git clone git:// kernel/android-3.4
cd kernel/android-3.4
git checkout 149156c285a5cf52330c7adf6c9748d2a1de38af

Download one additional post release patch for display

cd ${YOUR_PATH}/kernel
git fetch refs/changes/93/31993/1 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

[edit] Build Instructions

[edit] Setting up build environment

From your work directory (5AJ.1.4 folder):

export YOUR_PATH=`pwd`
export MYDROID=${YOUR_PATH}/mydroid
export PATH=$PATH:${MYDROID}/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/
export CROSS_COMPILE=${MYDROID}/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-

[edit] Building usbboot

This is for creating the emmc boot

cd ${YOUR_PATH}/usbboot
export CROSS_COMPILE=${MYDROID}/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-
make MACH=omap5 BOARD=omap5uevm clean
make MACH=omap5 BOARD=omap5uevm

[edit] Building Kernel

To create kernel uImage you need to add "mkimage" directory path to your "PATH" environment variable:

cd ${YOUR_PATH}/kernel/android-3.4
export CROSS_COMPILE=${MYDROID}/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-
make ARCH=arm mrproper
make ARCH=arm android_omap_defconfig
make ARCH=arm uImage modules

[edit] Building Android Filesystem (AFS)

. build/
lunch 18  #(specific lunch target: full_omap5panda-userdebug)
make -j2 clean
make -j2

[edit] Building TI WLAN & BlueTooth Drivers

WLAN Drivers

export CROSS_COMPILE=${MYDROID}/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-
export KERNEL_DIR=${YOUR_PATH}/kernel/android-3.4
cd ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl18xx/
make ARCH=arm

BlueTooth Drivers

export CROSS_COMPILE=${MYDROID}/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-
export KERNEL_DIR=${YOUR_PATH}/kernel/android-3.4
cd ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wpan/bluetooth-compat/
make ARCH=arm

[edit] Preparing Android image

[edit] Rebuild Android Filesystem (AFS) to include kernel and connectivity drivers

Copy WLAN & BT kernel modules:

cd $MYDROID/out/target/product/panda5
mkdir -p system/lib/modules; cd system/lib/modules
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl18xx/compat/compat.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl18xx/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl18xx/net/mac80211/mac80211.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl18xx/drivers/net/wireless/ti/wl12xx/wl12xx.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl18xx/drivers/net/wireless/ti/wl18xx/wl18xx.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl18xx/drivers/net/wireless/ti/wl1251/wl1251.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl18xx/drivers/net/wireless/ti/wlcore/wlcore*.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wpan/bluetooth-compat/net/bluetooth/bnep/bnep.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wpan/bluetooth-compat/net/bluetooth/rfcomm/rfcomm.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wpan/bluetooth-compat/net/bluetooth/bluetooth.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wpan/bluetooth-compat/net/bluetooth/hidp/hidp.ko .
cp -fp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wpan/bluetooth-compat/drivers/bluetooth/btwilink.ko .

Copy Kernel Image

cp -v ${YOUR_PATH}/kernel/android-3.4/arch/arm/boot/zImage device/ti/panda5/kernel

Rebuild AFS to generate update images

. build/
lunch 18
rm out/target/product/panda5/*img
rm out/target/product/panda5/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img
make -j2

[edit] Preparing eMMC binaries/images

mkdir emmc_files
cp -v ${MYDROID}/out/target/product/panda5/*img emmc_files
cp -v ${MYDROID}/device/ti/omap5sevm/boot/ emmc_files
cp -v ${MYDROID}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/{simg2img,make_ext4fs,mkbootimg,fastboot,adb} emmc_files
cp -v ${YOUR_PATH}/kernel/android-3.4/arch/arm/boot/zImage emmc_files/kernel
cp -v ${YOUR_PATH}/usbboot/out/omap5uevm/omap5uevm_GP_ES2.0_MLO emmc_files
cp -v ${YOUR_PATH}/usbboot/out/omap5uevm/usbboot emmc_files

[edit] Flashing eMMC images

This is done using usbboot and fastboot tool. usbboot is used to put the OMAP5 uEVM board in fastboot mode and fastboot is used to flash the images to emmc.

Follow the steps below to flash the binaries to emmc of the board:

(Refer here for DIP switch location)

Required switch settings on the Panda5 board to enable eMMC boot.
    3   2   1   0

1. Connect your USB3 cable from the target to your flashing station, the power supply, 
& the micro usb cable using a terminal or screen 
(for screen the command is: screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200)

2. Make sure the board is powered OFF

3. Start usbbboot in fastboot mode:

      sudo ./usbboot -f
         When running this command you will see: 
         usbboot -f:  starting in fastboot mode
         waiting for device...

4. Power up your board

     From the terminal you should see something similar to this saying the device is in fastboot mode: 
            r1Texas Instruments Inc Bootloader 1.1.0-jenkins-OMAP5_usbboot-102^0
            Build Info: Apr 20 2012 - 05:01:26
            Entering fastboot mode...
   From the command prompt where you ran the usbboot command you should see something similar to this below:
    reading ASIC ID
    CHIP: 5430
    IDEN: cfd7d499ed40beab470795a5cfbc5707807b4b6a
    MPKH: 351edf8f4d739d50f7449a6d3d3d983d6220974836f039c752dae7226bb19955
    CRC0: 06e92275
    CRC1: 3894aaf5
    device is ED/HD (EMU/HS)
    sending 2ndstage to target... f0030002
    waiting for 2ndstage response...
    received 2ndstage response...

5. Run your script
     sudo ./
       This will flash the binaries into the emmc on the Panda board.

6. Now reset the board and let it boot up.

SD Card Boot Information

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