Power Management Debug and Profiling

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[edit] PM debug and profiling

[edit] Tracing of clock and power domains events

The perf and ftrace frameworks are used to generate the following events:

Cf. the patch/RFC in the links here below for details.

Patches submissions:

[edit] Links

[edit] On-going activities

[edit] Compilation and usage

Starting from the pm branch of Tony's tree (at http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/tmlind/linux-omap-2.6.git), the submitted patch needs to be applied in order to get support for the new events and the OMAP specific trace points.

The config in use is omap3_pm_defconfig, with the following extra options to be enabled:

[edit] Userspace filesystem

The filesystem archive File:Arago-console-image-omap3evm.tar.gz contains the necessary power management related utilities (cpufreq, perf) as well as a few useful utilities (bash, sshd).

More info at http://arago-project.org/wiki/index.php/Setting_Up_Build_Environment.

To add the perf tool to the build, a new recipe must be added and a few patches to the arago and arago-oe-dev trees are needed:

diff --git a/recipes/images/arago-image.inc b/recipes/images/arago-image.inc
index 022df8c..06594b1 100644
--- a/recipes/images/arago-image.inc
+++ b/recipes/images/arago-image.inc
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ EXTRA_IMAGECMD_ext2.gz += "-i 4096"
 IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND = "create_etc_timestamp"
     angstrom-version \
diff --git a/classes/kernel.bbclass b/classes/kernel.bbclass
index 9555f30..3636d46 100644
--- a/classes/kernel.bbclass
+++ b/classes/kernel.bbclass
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ kernel_do_install() {
        mkdir -p $kerneldir/include/asm-generic
        cp -fR include/asm-generic/* $kerneldir/include/asm-generic/
-       for entry in drivers/crypto drivers/media include/generated include/linux include/net include/pcmcia include/media include/acpi include/sound include/video include/scsi include/trace include/mtd include/rdma include/drm include/xen; do
+       for entry in drivers/crypto drivers/media include/generated include/linux include/net include/pcmcia include/media include/acpi include/sound include/video include/scsi include/trace include/mtd include/rdma include/drm include/xen tools/perf lib; do
                if [ -d $entry ]; then
                        mkdir -p $kerneldir/$entry
                        cp -fR $entry/* $kerneldir/$entry/
diff --git a/recipes/linux/files/tools-perf-add-the-definition-of-GElf_Nhdr.patch b/recipes/linux/files/tools-perf-add-the-definition-of-GElf_Nhdr.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d86a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/linux/files/tools-perf-add-the-definition-of-GElf_Nhdr.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+From 1af04619368f87bf518d8ed9c7f18e7d1eaf74c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jean Pihet <>
+Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 10:23:19 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] tools/perf: add the definition of GElf_Nhdr
+Signed-off-by: Jean Pihet <>
+ tools/perf/util/gelf.h   |   10 ++++++++++
+ tools/perf/util/symbol.h |    1 +
+ 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100644 tools/perf/util/gelf.h
+diff --git a/tools/perf/util/gelf.h b/tools/perf/util/gelf.h
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..27dfd03
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tools/perf/util/gelf.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
++#ifndef __GELF_NHDR__
++#if __LIBELF64
++typedef Elf64_Nhdr GElf_Nhdr;
++typedef Elf32_Nhdr GElf_Nhdr;
+diff --git a/tools/perf/util/symbol.h b/tools/perf/util/symbol.h
+index b7a8da4..b5424d8 100644
+--- a/tools/perf/util/symbol.h
++++ b/tools/perf/util/symbol.h
+@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
+ #include 
+ #include 
+ #include 
++#include "gelf.h"
+ extern char *cplus_demangle(const char *, int);
diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux_2.6.35.bb b/recipes/linux/linux_2.6.35.bb
index 8765846..b5813ac 100644
--- a/recipes/linux/linux_2.6.35.bb
+++ b/recipes/linux/linux_2.6.35.bb
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ DEFAULT_PREFERENCE_simone = "1"
 SRC_URI = "${KERNELORG_MIRROR}/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/${P}.tar.bz2;name=kernel \
            ${KERNELORG_MIRROR}/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/patch-${PV}.1.bz2;apply=yes;name=stablepatch \
            file://fix.module.loading.16310.patch \
-           file://defconfig "
+           file://defconfig \
+           file://tools-perf-add-the-definition-of-GElf_Nhdr.patch "
 SRC_URI_append_dockstar = "file://dockstar.patch"
 SRC_URI_append_rx1950 = "file://0001-s3c2410_ts-add-fake-pressure-events.patch \
diff --git a/recipes/util-linux-ng/util-linux-ng.inc b/recipes/util-linux-ng/util-linux-ng.inc
index ca0790e..4826295 100644
--- a/recipes/util-linux-ng/util-linux-ng.inc
+++ b/recipes/util-linux-ng/util-linux-ng.inc
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ DEFAULT_PREFERENCE = "-1"
 INC_PR = "r28"
 # allows for a release candidate
-RC ?= ""
+RC ?= "-arago1"
 SRC_URI = "${KERNELORG_MIRROR}/pub/linux/utils/util-linux-ng/v${PV}/util-linux-ng-${PV}${RC}.tar.bz2;name=archive"
diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-perf.bb b/recipes/linux/linux-perf.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3dcf62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/linux/linux-perf.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "Linux perf tracing tool"
+PR = "r0"
+DEPENDS = "linux libelf"
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "libelf"
+S = "${WORKDIR}"
+SRC_URI_append = "file://tools-perf-add-the-definition-of-GElf_Nhdr.patch"
+do_compile() {
+        oe_runmake -C ${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/tools/perf NO_LIBPERL=1 V=1
+do_install() {
+        oe_runmake -C ${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}/tools/perf DESTDIR="${D}" install
+do_stage () {
+        :

A few extra packages have been added by adding the following to arago/conf/local.conf

IMAGE_INSTALL += " bash sshd linux-perf cpufrequtils"

The filesystem has been built using Arago's arago-console-image task, a lot of patience and perferably a few GB's of RAM ;p

MACHINE=omap3evm bitbake arago-console-image

Here we go with the login invitation!!

 _____                    _____           _         _   
|  _  |___ ___ ___ ___   |  _  |___ ___  |_|___ ___| |_ 
|     |  _| .'| . | . |  |   __|  _| . | | | -_|  _|  _|
|__|__|_| |__,|_  |___|  |__|  |_| |___|_| |___|___|_|  
              |___|                    |___|            

Arago Project http://arago-project.org omap3evm ttyS0

Arago 2010.07 omap3evm ttyS0

omap3evm login:

Note about the kernel: Arago builds the TI PSP kernel for OMAP. The kernel used for PM Debug and Profiling comes from the pm branch of Tony's git tree.

[edit] Tracing instructions

[edit] Mounting debugfs

# mount -t debugfs nodev /sys/kernel/debug/

[edit] Enabling power events

# echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/power/enable
# echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/power/power_end/enable
# echo 0 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/power/power_end/enable
# echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/enable

[edit] Dump trace

# cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace

[edit] PM specific commands reference

[edit] cpuidle

# echo 5 > /sys/devices/platform/serial8250.0/sleep_timeout 
# echo 5 > /sys/devices/platform/serial8250.1/sleep_timeout 
# echo 5 > /sys/devices/platform/serial8250.2/sleep_timeout 
# echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/sleep_while_idle
# echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/enable_off_mode

# uptime
 06:33:42 up 15:35, load average: 0.88, 0.86, 0.70

# cat /sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/count
usbhost_pwrdm (OFF),OFF:1,RET:1,INA:0,ON:1,RET-LOGIC-OFF:0,RET-MEMBANK1-OFF:0
per_pwrdm (ON),OFF:89107,RET:14182,INA:0,ON:103290,RET-LOGIC-OFF:0,RET-MEMBANK1-OFF:0
core_pwrdm (ON),OFF:57359,RET:31776,INA:0,ON:89136,RET-LOGIC-OFF:0,RET-MEMBANK1-OFF:0,RET-MEMBANK2-OFF:0
neon_pwrdm (ON),OFF:93707,RET:9496,INA:240,ON:103444,RET-LOGIC-OFF:0
mpu_pwrdm (ON),OFF:93707,RET:9496,INA:240,ON:103444,RET-LOGIC-OFF:0,RET-MEMBANK1-OFF:0
per_clkdm->per_pwrdm (11)
usbhost_clkdm->usbhost_pwrdm (0)
cam_clkdm->cam_pwrdm (0)
dss_clkdm->dss_pwrdm (0)
core_l4_clkdm->core_pwrdm (8)
core_l3_clkdm->core_pwrdm (4)
d2d_clkdm->core_pwrdm (0)
sgx_clkdm->sgx_pwrdm (0)
iva2_clkdm->iva2_pwrdm (0)
neon_clkdm->neon_pwrdm (0)
mpu_clkdm->mpu_pwrdm (0)
prm_clkdm->wkup_pwrdm (0)
cm_clkdm->core_pwrdm (0)

# cat /sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/time 
usbhost_pwrdm (OFF),OFF:55673971160888,RET:477995910645,INA:0,ON:687805175
sgx_pwrdm (OFF),OFF:56151967041016,RET:0,INA:0,ON:687866210
per_pwrdm (ON),OFF:54581824584529,RET:889348693710,INA:0,ON:681481628987
dss_pwrdm (OFF),OFF:55673971282959,RET:477967254639,INA:0,ON:716400146
cam_pwrdm (OFF),OFF:55673971282959,RET:477967376709,INA:0,ON:716278076
core_pwrdm (ON),OFF:49292550109366,RET:5300081390665,INA:0,ON:1560023437713
neon_pwrdm (ON),OFF:54474985870229,RET:994778198203,INA:532592784,ON:682358307045
mpu_pwrdm (ON),OFF:54475175811532,RET:994814758256,INA:533477796,ON:682130920677
iva2_pwrdm (OFF),OFF:55673971405029,RET:477995727540,INA:0,ON:687866210

[edit] cpufreq/DVFS

# echo 550000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed
# echo 500000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed
# echo 250000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed
# echo ondemand > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

[edit] Trace logs

# cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace
# tracer: nop
#              | |       |          |         |
          -0     [000]  1606.593781: power_start: type=1 state=1                       <= Here starts the idle loop           
          -0     [000]  1606.593781: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=0         |  Power domain transition, MPU domain to target state OFF
          -0     [000]  1606.593781: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=1        |  Power domain transition, CORE domain to target state RET
          -0     [000]  1606.593842: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=0        |  Power domain transition, NEON domain to target state OFF
          -0     [000]  1606.593872: clock_disable: gpio6_dbck state=0                  |  Clock gpio6_dbck disable
          -0     [000]  1606.593903: clock_disable: uart3_ick state=0                   |  ...
          -0     [000]  1606.593903: clock_disable: uart3_fck state=0                   |  All UARTs clocks disable
          -0     [000]  1606.593903: clock_disable: uart1_ick state=0                   |  ...
          -0     [000]  1606.593903: clock_disable: uart1_fck state=0                   |
          -0     [000]  1606.593933: clock_disable: uart2_ick state=0                   |
          -0     [000]  1606.593933: clock_disable: uart2_fck state=0                   |
          -0     [000]  1606.640106: clock_enable: uart1_ick state=1                    |  All UARTs clocks enable
          -0     [000]  1606.640137: clock_enable: uart1_fck state=1                    |  ...
          -0     [000]  1606.640228: clock_enable: uart2_ick state=1                    |
          -0     [000]  1606.640228: clock_enable: uart2_fck state=1                    |
          -0     [000]  1606.640259: clock_enable: gpio6_dbck state=1                   |
          -0     [000]  1606.640259: clock_enable: uart3_ick state=1                    |
          -0     [000]  1606.640259: clock_enable: uart3_fck state=1                    |
          -0     [000]  1606.640564: power_end: dummy=65535                            <= Here ends the idle loop
     kondemand/0-404   [000]  1606.640717: power_frequency: type=2 state=125000000           <= DVFS event triggered by the on-demand governor, MPU freq=125MHz
     kondemand/0-404   [000]  1606.640778: clock_set_rate: dpll3_m2_ck state=166000000        |  Clock tree updates: dpll3_m2 to 166MHz
     kondemand/0-404   [000]  1606.641144: clock_set_rate: dpll1_ck state=125000000           |                      dpll1 to 125MHz
     kondemand/0-404   [000]  1606.641357: clock_set_rate: dpll2_ck state=90000000            |                      dpll2 to 90MHz
          -0     [000]  1606.642914: power_start: type=1 state=1                       <= End of DVFS, idle loop entry 
          -0     [000]  1606.642914: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.642944: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=3
          -0     [000]  1606.643127: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.643158: clock_disable: gpio6_dbck state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.643188: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.643219: clock_disable: uart3_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.643250: clock_disable: uart3_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.654236: clock_enable: gpio6_dbck state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.654266: clock_enable: uart3_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.654266: clock_enable: uart3_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.654297: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.654846: power_end: dummy=65535
          -0     [000]  1606.677887: power_start: type=1 state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.677948: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=3
          -0     [000]  1606.677948: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=3
          -0     [000]  1606.678131: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=3
          -0     [000]  1606.678192: clock_disable: gpio6_dbck state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.678223: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.678253: clock_disable: uart3_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.678253: clock_disable: uart3_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.678314: clock_enable: gpio6_dbck state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.678345: clock_enable: uart3_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.678375: clock_enable: uart3_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.678406: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.678925: power_end: dummy=65535
          -0     [000]  1606.682739: power_start: type=1 state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.682770: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.682800: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.682953: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.683014: clock_disable: gpio6_dbck state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.683105: clock_disable: uart3_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.683105: clock_disable: uart3_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.683136: clock_disable: uart1_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.683167: clock_disable: uart1_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.683197: clock_disable: uart2_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.683197: clock_disable: uart2_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  1606.767761: clock_enable: uart1_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.767822: clock_enable: uart1_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.767975: clock_enable: uart2_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.768005: clock_enable: uart2_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.768066: clock_enable: gpio6_dbck state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.768097: clock_enable: uart3_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.768097: clock_enable: uart3_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  1606.768921: power_end: dummy=65535
     kondemand/0-404   [000]  2043.842743: power_frequency: type=2 state=600000000
     kondemand/0-404   [000]  2043.843628: clock_set_rate: dpll1_ck state=600000000
     kondemand/0-404   [000]  2043.843903: clock_set_rate: dpll2_ck state=430000000
     kondemand/0-404   [000]  2043.844299: clock_set_rate: dpll3_m2_ck state=332000000
# echo mem > /sys/power/state
PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
PM: suspend of devices complete after 8.514 msecs
PM: late suspend of devices complete after 3.112 msecs
Successfully put all powerdomains to target state
PM: early resume of devices complete after 0.457 msecs
PM: resume of devices complete after 9.918 msecs
Restarting tasks ... done.

# cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace
# tracer: nop
#              | |       |          |         |
          -0     [000]  2153.873413: power_start: type=1 state=1                       <= Here starts the idle loop
          -0     [000]  2153.873444: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=3         |  Power domain transition, MPU domain to target state ON
          -0     [000]  2153.873474: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=3        |  Power domain transition, CORE domain to target state ON
          -0     [000]  2153.873688: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=3        |  Power domain transition, NEON domain to target state ON
          -0     [000]  2153.873749: clock_disable: gpio6_dbck state=0                  |  Clock gpio6_dbck disable
          -0     [000]  2153.873749: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=1         |  ...
          -0     [000]  2153.873779: clock_disable: uart3_ick state=0                   |
          -0     [000]  2153.873810: clock_disable: uart3_fck state=0                   |
          -0     [000]  2153.889099: clock_enable: gpio6_dbck state=1                   |
          -0     [000]  2153.889130: clock_enable: uart3_ick state=1                    |  Clock uart3_ick enable
          -0     [000]  2153.889130: clock_enable: uart3_fck state=1                    |
          -0     [000]  2153.889160: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=0         |
          -0     [000]  2153.889740: power_end: dummy=65535                            <= Here ends the idle loop
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.915649: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=0        <= Suspend entry: all power domains to OFF
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.915710: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=0        |
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.915741: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=0        |
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.915771: power_start: type=3 state=0                        |  state=0: suspend entry
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.915985: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=0        |  ...
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.916016: clock_disable: gpio6_dbck state=0                  |  Clocks disable
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.916138: clock_disable: uart3_ick state=0                   |  ...
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.916138: clock_disable: uart3_fck state=0                   |
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.916199: clock_disable: uart1_ick state=0                   |
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.916199: clock_disable: uart1_fck state=0                   |
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.916229: clock_disable: uart2_ick state=0                   |
              sh-1148  [000]  2153.916260: clock_disable: uart2_fck state=0                   | Board frozen for ~10s ...
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.128876: clock_enable: hsotgusb_ick state=1                 | Resuming from deep sleep, enabling clocks
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.128967: clock_disable: hsotgusb_ick state=0                | ...
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.128998: clock_enable: uart1_ick state=1                    |
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.129028: clock_enable: uart1_fck state=1                    |
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.129150: clock_enable: uart2_ick state=1                    |
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.129181: clock_enable: uart2_fck state=1                    |
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.129272: clock_enable: gpio6_dbck state=1                   |
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.129303: clock_enable: uart3_ick state=1                    |
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.129333: clock_enable: uart3_fck state=1                    |
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.129608: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=3         |  Power domain transition, MPU domain to target state ON
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.129639: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=3        |  Power domain transition, NEON domain to target state ON
              sh-1148  [000]  2164.129669: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=3        |  Power domain transition, CORE domain to target state ON.
          -0     [000]  2164.270233: power_start: type=1 state=1                       <= System fully awake, idle loop entry
          -0     [000]  2164.270294: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=3         |  ...
          -0     [000]  2164.270325: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=3
          -0     [000]  2164.270538: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=3
          -0     [000]  2164.270569: clock_disable: gpio6_dbck state=0
          -0     [000]  2164.270599: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=1
          -0     [000]  2164.270660: clock_disable: uart3_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  2164.270660: clock_disable: uart3_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  2164.275848: clock_enable: gpio6_dbck state=1
          -0     [000]  2164.275879: clock_enable: uart3_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  2164.275909: clock_enable: uart3_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  2164.275940: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=0         | ...
          -0     [000]  2164.276642: power_end: dummy=65535                            <= Idle loop ends
          -0     [000]  2167.608856: power_start: type=1 state=1
          -0     [000]  2167.608887: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=3
          -0     [000]  2167.608887: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=3
          -0     [000]  2167.609131: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=3
          -0     [000]  2167.609161: clock_disable: gpio6_dbck state=0
          -0     [000]  2167.609192: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=1
          -0     [000]  2167.609222: clock_disable: uart3_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  2167.609253: clock_disable: uart3_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  2167.689941: clock_enable: gpio6_dbck state=1
          -0     [000]  2167.689972: clock_enable: uart3_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  2167.690002: clock_enable: uart3_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  2167.690033: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  2167.690613: power_end: dummy=65535
                                                                                             !! Need to wait ~6s for idle to change states from ON to RET/OFF ??
          -0     [000]  2170.605103: power_start: type=1 state=1
          -0     [000]  2170.605133: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  2170.605133: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  2170.605316: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  2170.605347: clock_disable: gpio6_dbck state=0
          -0     [000]  2170.605438: clock_disable: uart3_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  2170.605469: clock_disable: uart3_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  2170.605499: clock_disable: uart1_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  2170.605499: clock_disable: uart1_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  2170.605530: clock_disable: uart2_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  2170.605560: clock_disable: uart2_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  2171.031067: clock_enable: hsotgusb_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.031158: clock_disable: hsotgusb_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  2171.031189: clock_enable: uart1_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.031189: clock_enable: uart1_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.031311: clock_enable: uart2_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.031311: clock_enable: uart2_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.031403: clock_enable: gpio6_dbck state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.031433: clock_enable: uart3_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.031433: clock_enable: uart3_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.032379: power_end: dummy=65535
          -0     [000]  2171.033203: power_start: type=1 state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.033234: power_domain_transition: mpu_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  2171.033264: power_domain_transition: core_pwrdm state=3
          -0     [000]  2171.033447: power_domain_transition: neon_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  2171.033478: clock_disable: gpio6_dbck state=0
          -0     [000]  2171.033508: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.033539: clock_disable: uart3_ick state=0
          -0     [000]  2171.033569: clock_disable: uart3_fck state=0
          -0     [000]  2171.138824: clock_enable: gpio6_dbck state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.138916: clock_enable: uart3_ick state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.138916: clock_enable: uart3_fck state=1
          -0     [000]  2171.138977: power_domain_transition: per_pwrdm state=0
          -0     [000]  2171.139832: power_end: dummy=65535

[edit] Trace parsing, GUIs, and other debug tools

[edit] pytimechart UI

[edit] Intro

PyTimechart is a tool that parses ftrace text traces, and display them with the help of a dynamic plot framework, Chaco (http://code.enthought.com/chaco/ ) The GUI makes the best it can to ease the browsing of huge traces.

[edit] Download and installation

Cf. http://gitorious.com/pytimechart/ for download of the latest code.

pytimechart depends on python-chaco. It can be installed on recent distributions (tested on Debian 6 and Ubuntu 10.04).

[edit] Usage

Cf. http://gitorious.com/pytimechart/pages/Home for usage instructions.

[edit] Screenshots

A good screenshot says it all!

[edit] Powertop

Powertop is a useful tool that can profile the system's C-states, frequencies, and wakeup sources. Installation instructions can be found here.

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