4AI.1.7P1 OMAP4 Icecream Sandwich Release Notes
From OMAPpedia
[edit] Introduction
This software release has been developed and verified in the following software and hardware environment.
OS Kernel: Linux® 3.0
Android: Android IcecreamSandwich 4.0.4(MR1.1)
Kernel: 3.0.31
Toolchain: CodeSourcery compiler version Sourcery G++ Lite 2010q1-202 for ARM GNU/Linux
Reference hardware platforms: OMAP4460 ES 1.1 @1.5GHz HS blaze_tablet2
Build Host OS: Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit
Daily Build Blaze_Tablet Version: 4AI.x_44XX_T2_REL_DB317
Daily Build Blaze Version: 4AI.x_44XX_Blaze_REL_DB223
[edit] Tools & Dependency packages
Pre-requisite packages for building the Android Filesystem (Note: This is with reference to Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit). Ubuntu 64-bit is required for the cross-compilation of Android Ice Cream Sandwich Filesystem.
If you are behind a firewall, you will have to set-up firewall using the instructions in [1].
The following commands will install the correct packages to your server:
sudo apt-get install git-core flex bison gperf libesd0-dev zip gawk ant libwxgtk2.6-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential tofrodos sudo apt-get install lib32readline5-dev libstdc++6 lib32z1 lib32z1-dev ia32-libs g++-multilib libx11-dev libncurses5-dev uboot-mkimage
Install Java SE 6 JDK from Oracle.
Install repo tool:
mkdir ~/bin -p sudo apt-get install curl curl chmod a+x ~/bin/repo export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
If you do not have sudo rights to your machine, contact your System Administrator for assistance.
Tool Chain for building Kernel and Drivers
The Kernel and Driver sources are built using Sourcery G++ Lite 2010q1-202 for ARM GNU/Linux version (This particular version is needed for the AFS to work properly).
This tool chain can be obtained from [2].
[edit] Downloading Release Software
To obtain Android Filesystem Sources follow:
cdmkdir -p 4AI.1.7P1; cd 4AI.1.7P1 export YOUR_PATH=`pwd` mkdir -p mydroid; cd mydroid export MYDROID=`pwd` repo init -u git://git.omapzoom.org/platform/omapmanifest.git -b 27.x -m RLS4AI.1.7P1_IcecreamSandwich.xml repo sync
To obtain Kernel & Driver Sources follow:
To clone kernel source from scratch do:
cd ${YOUR_PATH} git clone git://git.omapzoom.org/kernel/omap.git kernel/android-3.0 cd kernel/android-3.0 git checkout b13b7cb368c4737a9e2961a5a940f39b27fc7225
If you already have kernel source cloned then just update it:
cd ${YOUR_PATH}/kernel/android-3.0 git fetch origin git checkout b13b7cb368c4737a9e2961a5a940f39b27fc7225
To obtain U-Boot Sources follow:
cd ${YOUR_PATH} git clone git://git.omapzoom.org/repo/u-boot.git u-boot cd u-boot git checkout 83ec135fba56de2567f93a0b79128f0316470338
To obtain X-loader Sources follow:
cd ${YOUR_PATH} git clone git://git.omapzoom.org/repo/x-loader.git x-loader cd x-loader git checkout 28b5a696010588b540f256cbe9e3ea86af12de58
[edit] Release Content
This release has the below content - Kernel and Drivers tested with OMAP4 4470 ES1.0 HS Blaze_Tablet @1.5GHz and verified with Ice Cream Sandwich UI - A9 source code for accelerating Video
[edit] Build Instructions
[edit] Setting up build environment
From your work directory (where your 4AI.1.7P1 directory resides):
export YOUR_PATH=`pwd` export PATH=$PATH:/arm-2010q1/bin export MYDROID=${YOUR_PATH}/mydroid mkdir ${MYDROID}/logs export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- export PATH=${YOUR_PATH}/u-boot/tools:$PATH
[edit] Building U-BOOT
cd ${YOUR_PATH}/u-boot make distclean make ARCH=arm omap44XXtablet_config (for Blaze_Tablet) make ARCH=arm omap4430sdp_config (for Blaze) make 2>&1 |tee ${MYDROID}/logs/u-boot_make.out
[edit] Building X-LOADER for OMAP4470
cd ${YOUR_PATH}/x-loader make distclean make ARCH=arm omap44XXtablet_config (for Blaze_Tablet) make ARCH=arm omap44XXsdp_config (for Blaze) make ift 2>&1 |tee ${MYDROID}/logs/x-loader_make.out ### For fastboot.sh flashing script needs to rename MLO: #### mv MLO Blaze_Tablet_GP_ES1.0_MLO (for Tablet)
Signing X-LOADER for HS devices
The tool for signing x-loader is provided on TI's package, (MShield). Please contact TI customer representative to get access to this tool.
cd ${YOUR_PATH}/mshield-dk cp -f ${YOUR_PATH}/x-loader/x-load.bin . ./generate_MLO OMAP4470 ES1.0 x-load.bin ### For fastboot.sh flashing script needs to rename MLO: #### cp MLO Blaze_Tablet_HS_ES1.0_MLO #(For Blaze_Tablet)
[edit] Building Kernel
Note: If you are building for a GP device it is recommended not to build the SMC kernel driver.
To create kernel uImage you need to add "mkimage" directory path to your "PATH" environment variable:
cd ${YOUR_PATH}/kernel/android-3.0 make ARCH=arm distclean make ARCH=arm blaze_defconfig make ARCH=arm uImage 2>&1 |tee ${MYDROID}/logs/kernel_make.out
[edit] Building Kernel modules
cd ${YOUR_PATH}/kernel/android-3.0 make ARCH=arm modules 2>&1 |tee ${MYDROID}/logs/kernel_modules.out
[edit] Building WLAN driver
cd ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl12xx export KERNEL_DIR=${YOUR_PATH}/kernel/android-3.0 export KLIB=${KERNEL_DIR} export KLIB_BUILD=${KERNEL_DIR} make ARCH=arm
The above step will produce the following kernel WLAN modules: compat.ko, cfg80211.ko, mac80211.ko, wl12xx.ko and wl12xx_sdio.ko. These modules are pushed into the /system/lib/modules directory on the flashed image.
[edit] Building for 512 MB RAM (optional)
This requires changes in compilation process of two components.
Change 'mem=1G' to 'mem=512M' in kernel's '.config' file, rebuild kernel and repack boot.img.
CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttyO2,115200n8 mem=512M vmalloc=768M androidboot.console=ttyO2 omap_wdt.timer_margin=30"
Ducati can be compiled either with 'xdc' or with 'make'.
If compiling Ducati with 'xdc', it needs to be specified in two places that a 512 MB binary must be created:
export XDCARGS="profile=release core=app_m3 target_build=BUILD_OMAP4 SenPosition=TABLET board_config=BOARD_CONFIG_TI_BLAZE_TABLET2 offloading_allow=1 device_mem=512MB"
./genrprc ${DUCATI_CORE_DIR_WITH_SYSLINK_AND_DUCATIMM}/ducati_syslink/src/ti/examples/srvmgr/ti_platform_omap4430_core0_512/debug/test_omx_sysm3.xem3 \ ${DUCATI_CORE_DIR_WITH_SYSLINK_AND_DUCATIMM}/ducati_mmlegacy/WTSD_DucatiMMSW/platform/base_image/out/app_m3/release/base_image_app_m3.xem3 \ ${DUCATI_CORE_DIR_WITH_SYSLINK_AND_DUCATIMM}/ducati_mmlegacy/WTSD_DucatiMMSW/platform/base_image/out/app_m3/release/ducati-m3.512MB.bin
If compiling Ducati with 'make', specifying that a 512 MB binary must be created will be:
make omap4_tablet2_512MB_config make
[edit] Building Android Filesystem (AFS) with TI Codecs enabled
In the make step below use the number of cores you have available; i.e. -j4 (for 4 cores) or -j12 (for 12 cores)
cd $MYDROID source build/envsetup.sh
Now depending on your platform use either:
lunch blaze_tablet-userdebug # (for Blaze Tablet) lunch full_blaze-userdebug # (for Blaze)
make clean ;#(required for rebuild only) make -j4 2>&1 |tee ${MYDROID}/logs/android_make.out
[edit] Building AFS with Android Codecs
This release was not verified with Android codecs. Camera based applications need TI proprietary drivers. Please contact TI customer representative to get access to proprietary sources
[edit] Building Ducati
Appropriate Ducati binary can be found on Android: Working with pre-built binaries page.
[edit] Preparing Android binaries
The following binaries are required by the Blaze Tablet® board. This step will prepare a directory, called myfs, containing all necessary Android files that you
must include within your SD card.
export BOARD_TYPE="blaze_tablet" #or "blaze" depending on your board type cd ${MYDROID}/out/target/product/${BOARD_TYPE} mkdir -p system/lib/modules cp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl12xx/compat/compat.ko system/lib/modules/ cp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl12xx/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko system/lib/modules/ cp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl12xx/net/mac80211/mac80211.ko system/lib/modules/ cp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl12xx/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx.ko system/lib/modules/ cp ${MYDROID}/hardware/ti/wlan/mac80211/compat_wl12xx/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl12xx_sdio.ko system/lib/modules/ cd ${YOUR_PATH} mkdir myfs_${BOARD_TYPE} cd myfs_${BOARD_TYPE} cp -Rfp ${MYDROID}/out/target/product/${BOARD_TYPE}/root/* . cp -Rfp ${MYDROID}/out/target/product/${BOARD_TYPE}/system/ . cp -Rfp ${MYDROID}/out/target/product/${BOARD_TYPE}/data/ .
[edit] Preparing eMMC images
cd ${YOUR_PATH} mkdir omap4_emmc_files_${BOARD_TYPE} cd omap4_emmc_files_${BOARD_TYPE} cp -f ${MYDROID}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/fastboot . cp -f ${MYDROID}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/mkbootimg . cp -f ${MYDROID}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/simg2img . cp -f ${MYDROID}/out/host/linux-x86/bin/make_ext4fs . cp -f ${YOUR_PATH}/u-boot/u-boot.bin . cp -f ${YOUR_PATH}/x-loader/Blaze_Tablet_GP_ES1.0_MLO . #(or Blaze_GP_ES1.1_MLO) cp -f ${YOUR_PATH}/kernel/android-3.0/arch/arm/boot/zImage . cp -f ${YOUR_PATH}/mshield-dk/Blaze_Tablet_HS_ES1.0_MLO . #(or Blaze_HS_ES1.1_MLO)
Creating img files:
cd ${MYDROID} find out/target/product/${BOARD_TYPE} -name *.img -exec rm -f {} \; make cp -f ${MYDROID}/out/target/product/${BOARD_TYPE}/*.img ${YOUR_PATH}/omap4_emmc_files_${BOARD_TYPE}
This build should not take too much time and will re-generate a new *.img files with the modified init.rc file in it
Now from this new directory we will create the eMMC images which will be flashed using fastboot protocol (described later). First create boot.img image
using kernel image we copied previously:
cd ${YOUR_PATH}/omap4_emmc_files_${BOARD_TYPE} ${MYDROID}/device/ti/support-tools/boot/omap4/umulti2.sh
Now create cache partition:
cd ${YOUR_PATH}/omap4_emmc_files_${BOARD_TYPE} dd if=/dev/zero of=./cache.img bs=1048510 count=128 mkfs.ext4 -F cache.img -L cache
[edit] Flashing the OMAP4 Hardware
After the emmc files are available you then can use the fastboot.sh script to upload binaries to your Blaze or Blaze_Tablet. You will need to copy the fastboot.sh script to the location of the eMMC files.
cd ${YOUR_PATH}/omap4_emmc_files_${BOARD_TYPE} cp ${MYDROID}/device/ti/${BOARD_TYPE}/boot/fastboot.sh . sed -i 's/${FASTBOOT-".\/..\/..\/..\/..\/out\/host\/linux-x86\/bin\/fastboot"}/.\/fastboot/g' fastboot.sh sed -i 's/${PRODUCT_OUT-".\/"}/.\//g' fastboot.sh
Connect the Blaze or Blaze_Tablet micro USB port to your Linux box and go to where the eMMC files are. Previous partitions created will be deleted and eMMC will be flashed with new u-boot and MLO. You need to boot the board and start fastboot server on the target (OMAP4 board).
# fastboot
You should see a message such as:
"Fastboot started..." or "Fastboot entered..."
When running the fastboot script the command should be issued as super user then run:
Blaze Tablet will boot up on its own with the new image in a few minutes. Until the user interface is ready for use, please avoid interrupting it by pressing any keys etc. This will detect your board and flash the images to the board.
First time flashing on eMMC
If there is no u-boot on your board's eMMC, you will have to boot using SD card. Copy u-boot.bin and MLO files to an SD card (boot partition) and then boot the target board from this external SD card using the following SYSBOOT switch settings to boot from external SD card: 01011101
For Blaze & Blaze_Tablet board: Switch S2-(1:8): OFF ON OFF ON ON ON OFF ON
Note: S8-(6:1) corresponds to SYSBOOT[5:0] in TRM. (ON=0, OFF=1)
Once you boot the board, start fastboot server on the target (OMAP4 board).
# fastboot
You should see a message such as:
"Fastboot started..." or "Fastboot entered..."
Now from the PC execute following commands to flash MLO and u-boot to eMMC
./fastboot oem format ./fastboot flash xloader ./MLO ./fastboot flash bootloader ./u-boot.bin
Now change the following SYSBOOT switch settings to boot out of EMMC: 11111101 whenever the board is restarted.
For Blaze & Blaze_Tablet board: Switch S2-(1:8): ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON
For Formatting the SD Card:
See Android Build SD Configuration page
[edit] Resources
[edit] WLAN Calibration
For optimal Wi-Fi performance calibration of Wi-Fi hardware is mandatory, follow the procedure from http://omappedia.org/wiki/Android_Mac80211#WLAN_Calibration_Instruction
[edit] WLAN Firmware files
Wi-Fi firmware files are now part of repo.